Founded in 2006 and achieving charity status two years later, Shevet Achim UK was launched with the objective to save lives of young children in the Middle East born with serious congenital heart defects, but with no access to the advanced medical care they need. Through its relationship with Shevet Achim, a Jerusalem and Ashdod based community working closely with highly specialised medical teams at partnering hospitals in Israel, Shevet Achim UK’s unswerving commitment is to assist with funding life-saving surgeries and to raise public awareness of this unique work.

It’s good to feel part of the work of healing hearts and relationships.
— Mary D, UK Supporter

 Bridges of reconciliation

Inspired by the words of Psalm 133, from which Shevet Achim derives its name meaning ‘Brothers dwelling together in unity’, Shevet Achim UK was birthed also with a vision of seeing bridges of reconciliation being built through what Shevet Achim was achieving in the Middle East by offering life-saving medical intervention.

How good and pleasant it is when God’s people live together in unity!
— Psalm 133

 Uniting hearts

Shevet Achim UK has sought through presentations, exhibitions and speaking engagements to highlight and promote this important work of uniting hearts for life.

Encouraged by its faithful supporter network over the years, it has been able to send much needed funds to help save the lives of young children primarily from Gaza and Kurdish Iraq.

Shevet Achim, inspired by the words of Jesus in the parable of the Good Samaritan, extends humanitarian support to Israel’s neighbours by searching out children in need of life-saving medical intervention and inviting them for heart surgery at top cardiac specialist centres in Israel.

These children are usually accompanied by a parent for the duration of their treatment. Families are supported and cared for before and after the child’s surgery by Christian volunteers from around the world, including the UK, at Shevet Achim’s bases in Ashdod and Jerusalem. Hundreds of babies and young children’s lives have been saved in this way.

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